For over 2 years our family and friends haven’t used anything but our Cliffe House soaps. It’s in every bathroom. Once used you become completely hooked by the difference a simple soap can make. We smell it like we have some kind of affliction or embarrassing addiction. Of course we make it so we know the care and attention to detail that goes into every bar. We know all the ingredients and where they have come from. We designed all of our own eco-friendly packaging made from recycled coffee cups and know every manufacturer and supplier. We practically know every handmade bar of soap by name!
Perhaps this makes us biased? Perhaps we just want the business to continue growing so really want to believe it is the best. But having gone back to a regular soap on a recent trip having forgotten the Cliffe House soaps we realised why we love it, believe in it and why it has become so popular amongst family and friends.
If commercial soap companies do put in some natural ingredients along with their synthetic ones, they do so in such small quantities as for it to be inconspicuous in the soap. Their main purpose is to catch the eye of the consumer and give them the illusion that this soap is more natural. If you read the ingredient labels though, the soap is still primarily made with synthetic ingredients.